Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Recipes for Various Wines and Use of Alcohol for Inflammatory Rheumatism in The Far West Ledger (1838-1839)

 In the Far West Ledger, there is a section


which was written on pages in the back of the ledger. The date that these were recorded is not known, but it gives a fun insight into the lives of the people who lived in this area. (Far West Ledger, transcribed by Tami K. Greenwood [Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2024], 116)


The following shows the use of alcohol in the community at the time (1838-39), showing how the Word of Wisdom (D&C 89) was interpreted then (in contrast to how it is practiced today):



Grape wine

Ripe freshly picked and selected tame
grapes, 20 lbs. put them into a stone
jar and por over them 6 qts
of biling soft water when *
sufficiently cool to allow it you
will squeeze them thouroughly with
the hand after wich allow
them to stand 3 days on the
furnace with a cloth thrown
over the jar then sueeze out the
jucie and add 10 lbs of mill
crushed sugar and let it remain
a week longer in the jar then
take off the scum strain and
bottle leaving a vent until
done fermenting when strain
again and bottle tight and
lay the bottles on the side in
a cool place.


Blackberry Wine mash the and
pour 1 qt boiling water to each
gallon let mixter stand
24 hours stirring occationly
then strain and measure
into a jud ading 2 lbs of
shugar go(od) ry whiskey 1 pt


Tomato Wine to each
gallon of juce ad 4 pounds of
shugar let stand for 4
months and drain off and bottle


. . .


Pain Killer
Alchahol 1 qt
gum guaiac 1 oz
gum camphor ½ oz
Cheyanne peper ½ oz Pulverized
mix shake well before using
strane through a thin cloth
let stand for a week.


recipe for inflammatory rheumatism
gum Amoniac
gum gracum
gum of mirr
of each 5 cts worth
in one qt Whisky
or Holland gin (Far West Ledger, transcribed by Tami K. Greenwood [Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2024], 118, 121, spellings as found in original)



Further Reading:


Michael Ash, Up In Smoke: A Response to the Tanners’ Criticism of the Word of Wisdom



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