Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Casey Paul Griffiths on "Elias" in the Doctrine and Covenants


Elias is a title used to identify several different prophets. . . . An angel identified as Elias also appeared in the Kirtland Temple and gave Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery “the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham” (Doctrine and Covenants 110:12). . . . Elias is used as a title for a forerunner (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 11:13-15; 17:10-14 [in the Bible appendix]). But because no single angel brought back all the keys of the dispensation. Elias can be used as a general term to describe all the angels of the Restoration. The Lord’s words in the New Testament support this usage of the term; in the Joseph Smith Translation of Matthew 17:13-14, the Savior asked, “Who is Elias?” and answered, “Behold this is Elias, whom I send to prepare the way before me.” (Casey Paul Griffiths, Scripture Central Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants, 4 vols. [Springville, Utah: CFI, 2014], 1:268)


Further Reading:


“Elias” as a “forerunner” in LDS Scripture



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