Sunday, January 26, 2025

Early Christian Interpretations of Revelation 21:27


No Sinner or Heretic. Apringius of Beja: It is true that no one enters into that communion of the saints who either refuses to be cleansed of former sin and from the guilt of their parents, or having become filthy after purification refused to be cleansed by the washing of humility and the shedding of tears. Indeed, Judas committed such an abomination, and so does a heretic who worships God deceitfully. However, those are said to enter who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, namely, those whom the heart of a true faith and a firm hope embrace. Tractate on the Apocalypse 21:27.


The Righteousness of God Allows No Sinfulness. Oecumenius: “But nothing unclean shall enter it, nor any one who practices abomination, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” For “what fellowship has light with darkness” or the sinner with the righteousness of God, whom the Lord instructs us in the Gospels are separated by a wide chasm? Commentary on the Apocalypse 21:26–22:5.


The Church of the Future. Primasius: He is here describing the church of the future when, unlike at the present time, the evil will not be mixed in along with the good and allowed to live with them. For the good alone will reign with Christ with whom and in whom they will live happily forever, namely, in that heavenly Jerusalem that is the mother of all. Indeed, it says that they are written in the book of the Lamb [to whom] he said, “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Commentary on the Apocalypse 21:27. (Revelation, ed. William C. Weinrich; Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture; Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2005], 386)



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