Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Reachout Trust on God's "Knowledge" of Our Sins (and an Open Debate Challenge to Mike Thomas and Tony Brown)

Mike Thomas (and/or Tony Brown) on facebook posted the following:



Apparently, God having knowledge of our sins necessitates he sinned. Using this twisted “logic,” the Old Testament depicts Yahweh as a sinner, too. Speaking through the prophet Amos, the Lord declared:


For I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins . . . (Amos 5:12)


Putting on my dunce hat which employees at ROT seem to wear on a 24/7 basis, let me ask: "How can the God of the Old Testament 'know' transgressions and sins without having known it experientially, i.e., he sinned and transgressed himself!!!!!"

For more on Reachout Trust’s Mike Thomas and Tony Brown, see:


 Listing of articles refuting Mike Thomas of Reachout Trust

BTW, as I stated in a previous post, I am more than willing to engage Mike Thomas and/or Tony Brown (it can be 2 vs. 1 as long as I get 50% of the time) in a moderated debate on Sola Scriptura, the formal doctrine of Protestantism. I will repeat that again.

I will suggest people who want to see the debate contact Mike Thomas (reachouttrust1@gmail.com) and/or Tony Brown (tony@reachouttrust.org).

Here is the proposed structure of the debate:

Thesis: "Sola Scriptura, the formal doctrine of Protestantism, which teaches that the 66 books of the Protestant canon of the Bible is the sole infallible rule of faith to which all other standards of faith are to be subordinated, is taught by the Bible."

Break-down of debate:

20 mins opening statements each
10 mins rebuttals each
15 mins cross ex each
7 mins concluding statements


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