God is infallible and when He speaks, that’s tremendous;
but when He speaks through a prophet, the prophet is interesting and infallible
only insofar as he correctly gives to us what God (who is infallible) gives.
The prophet himself is only a human being. I think that many of the problems of
people who are believers in the gospel and who hinge their faith on some kind
of particular way that the Lord does things, would do much better to look into
the fundamental fact that this world is so tremendously complicated and so
interesting; there are wise people, and there are wiser people. And how could
you believe otherwise? Is it not natural? It is not in accord with one’s
experiences, that there is this God who is interested in us and who, when He
wants to, reveals things to us. (Dr. Henry Eyring, “The Validity of Scientific
Investigation of Gospel Topics,” in Book of Abraham Symposium, ed. John
A. Tvedtnes [Salt Lake City: Institute of Religion, 1971], 5)
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