Sunday, December 15, 2024

Brigham Young (July 24, 1853): The God and Father of Jesus created Adam "after his express person"


When your mothers first read this Scripture, it was so plain to their understandings and to their children, that they understood it as an angel would, but deacon Jones must be called in to explain, and he explained it away. So I disagree with you, Mr. B., in the first point we have noticed, for you believe that God is without body and parts, while the Bible declares. He has a corporeal body; that in His likeness, precisely, He created Adam. The priests of this age declare it is not so. The God Mr. B. believes in. is without body, parts, and passions. The God that his "brother Mormon" believes in, is described in the Bible as being a personage of tabernacle, having eyes to see, for he that made the eye shall he not see? Having ears to hear, for his ear are open to hear the prayers of the righteous. He has limbs that he can walk, for the Lord God walked in the garden in the cool of the day. He conversed with His children, as in the case of Moses at the fiery bush, and with Abraham on the plains of Mamre. He also ate and drank with Abraham and others. That is the God the "Mormons" believe in, but their very religious Christian brethren do not believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, which is the God the Bible sets forth, as an organized corporeal being. In this one point, you can now clearly see wherein we disagree.


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Again, I believe he endowed the Apostles to go and preach the Gospel of life and salvation to the world. For, said Jesus Christ, "Ye are my witnesses; go and preach my resurrection from the dead. Tell the people, the Father gave me for their sins; but in Adam all die, but in me all shall again be made alive. If they ask you what they shall do to be saved, tell them what I have told every other person who has been saved; that they can only be saved in acts of obedience to prove they believe in me, in the Father, in heaven, in angels, and in you, that you are my servants and true believers in me. Tell them to go into the waters of baptism, and be baptized for the remission of sins. That is the first ordinance to be attended to after believing. After they have manifested their faith in God the Father, in me, and in your words by their repentance, then immerse them in water in imitation of my burial, and raise them up again out of the water, in imitation of my resurrection." (Brigham Young, “Effects and Privileges of the Gospel the Latter-Day Saints and the Christian World,” July 24, 1853, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [Liverpool: F.D. and S.W. Richards, 1854], 1:238-39)


Here are the relevant portions from LaJean Carruth’s transcription of the shorthand made by George D. Watt. Note that it includes God the Father eating with Adam, something not in the Journal of Discourses, showing another distinction between the God and Father of Jesus Christ and the person of Adam:


I disagree with you in first point we shall therefore disagree in next for you believe God without body parts disagree because that book says has body that Jesus in likeness of Father created Adam after his express person and made him like himself precisely the priests says it is not so that Bible tells me it is so we disagree upon that point without body parts or passions God we believe says Brother B Brother Mormon says that God is described there being personage of tabernacle having ears body walks converses with people travels eats drinks with Abraham Adam and others that is God Mormon believes in Christian brother doesn't believe it that is God that Bible sets forth . . . I believe the Father begat the Son him be propitiation for ins of world he died for the sins of world I believe he rose again the third day do you believe that Brother B yes he was supposed by Mary to be the gardener [though?] he was the Savior I believe it says B what next I believed he endowed to Apostles to go and preach the gospel of life and salvation to the people says he go and preach my resurrection tell them that Father gave me for their sins that in Adam all died in me all made alive.



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