Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Charles Lowell Walker (June 13, 1861) and Joseph Smith's Prophecy Concerning Stephen A. Douglas


Blowing a perfect gale all day. At work in the shop; at night over to Buttles again rendering assistance to the Sick. The news came in that Stephen A. Douglass died. Well, he never reached the Presidential Chair and Joseph Smith prophesied that he never would. The news from the East is about the same. Some little skirmishing is going on. (Charles Lowell Walker, Journal, June 13, 1861, in Diary of Charles Lowell Walker, ed. A. Karl Larson and Katherine Milles Larson, 2 vols. [Logan, Utah: Utah State University, 1980], 1:184)


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Resources on Joseph Smith’s Prophecies



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