Sunday, February 16, 2025

Comments Based on Isaiah 28:10 in Refutation of All Heresies


4. These are the three words of superordinate gravity:


Kalakau, Salasau, Zeēsar!


Kalakau belongs to the one above, Adamas; Salasau to the one below, the mortal; Zeesar to the Jordan River that flowed upward. This refers, he claims, to the androgynous Human in all, whom the ignorant call "triple- bodied Geryon," since Geryon "flows from earth" [έκ γής ρέοντα].

The Greeks commonly call him "celestial horn [κερας] of Mēn" because he has mixed and blended [κεκερακε] all things with all things. 5. For "everything," he says,


came about through him, and apart from him not one thing came to be. What has come about in him is life.


This "life," he claims, is the ineffable race of the perfect human beings, which "was unknown in former generations." Moreover the "nothing" that has come about apart from him refers to the particular world, for it became one apart from him, by a third and fourth god. (Refutation of All Heresies 5.8.4-5, in, Refutation of All Heresies [trans. M. David Litwa; Writings from the Greco-Roman World; Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016], 231, 233)


As Litwa noted, this is based on “an adapted Greek transliteration of the Hebrew כי צו לצו צו לצו קו לקו קו לקו זעיר שם זעיר שם” (Ibid., 231 n. 104)


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