Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Charles Lowell Walker's Report of Alexander F. McDonald's Criticisms of Roman Catholicism (May 21, 1882)


Watering this A.M. P.M. at meeting and presided at the sacrament table. Br A F McDonald preached an excellent discourse for nearly 2 hours, showing the eternity of the marriage covenant, the changing of the ordinances by the Romish Church, showing that they sprinkled for imersing. The great unction was in case of deaths approach and opposite the ordinance of laying on hands. The Eucharist was in direct opposition to the Lords Supper, they eating, as they say, the literal Body and drinking the blood of Christ While we partake of them as emblems. They sealed Nuns up to be the Brides of the Saviour, while we Sealed them in Marriage covenant to Multiply and replenish the Earth. They prayed and performed mass for the souls of the dead, while we were Baptized and performed for them all the ordinances of the Gospel, that they might be one with us. He spoke of the loose way of Marriage and divorce in the Roman Empire and how these traditions had been handed down and tinctured all Christendom; of the Return of the Jews and the ultimate triumph of God's work on the Earth. Showed that the Holy Spirit affords more real [?] than any other thing on the Earth and spoke very encouragingly to the saints to live for the Blessings in store for them. (Charles Lowell Walker, Journal, May 21, 1882, in Diary of Charles Lowell Walker, ed. A. Karl Larson and Katherine Milles Larson, 2 vols. [Logan, Utah: Utah State University, 1980], 2:581)



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