Friday, February 14, 2025

Steve Walton on Acts 1:6


Jesus’s response thus reshapes the disciples’ assumptions in Acts 1:6. There is an eschatological hope of Israel’s restoration, but the restoration’s shape will not be Israel’s ruling over but the incorporation of the nation’s into Israel’s hope through Israel’s Messiah. The restored and reshaped Israel will serve the nations as light bringer, rather than ruling them. It is not, however, that the disciples’ Spirit-empowered witness εως εσχατου της γης, “to the end of the earth,” is the substance of the restoration of Israel but rather that this witness is the means by which the way is prepared for what will become αποκασταστασεως παντων , “the restoration of all things” (3:21). Acts 1:7 clarifies (in similar vein to 3:20-21) that the timing of this (final)restoration is in the Father’s hands. The need for witness “to the end of the earth” implies that the promised return of Jesus (V. 11) will not be immediate. (Steve Walton, Acts 1-9:42 [Word Biblical Commentary 37A; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2024], 125)



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