Saturday, February 15, 2025

J. D. Hays on Conditional Prophecy in the Bible


Conditional Prophecy. In Jeremiah 18:7–10 Yahweh declares that what will actually happen in the future depends on how people respond to the prophetic word. Thus, the prophets imply rather strongly that often there is a conditional component to the fulfillment of their prophecies. The story of Jonah provides another clear example: the impending judgment that he proclaimed on Nineveh was averted due to the repentance of the Ninevites. The possibility of conditionality in OT prophecy should suggest some tentativeness and caution against absolute certainty when one tries to explain exactly how these prophecies will be fulfilled in the future. (J. D. Hays, “Prophecy and Eschatology in Christian Theology,” in Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets, ed. Mark J. Boda and Gordon J. McConville [Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2012], 606)



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