[in addition] a sword will pierce your own soul too. The
meaning of this parenthetical comment is not certain. The most common
interpretation is that it refers to the sorrow Mary would experience in seeing
her son rejected and crucified. It has also been suggested, however, that this
should be interpreted in light of 8:19–21, and this refers to the fact that
Mary would also stumble and experience difficulty in her son’s mission. Such
passages as 8:21; 11:27–28; 12:51–53 and the fact that Mary was not stated as
being present at the crucifixion tend to support this interpretation. However,
Luke knew that Theophilus was well aware of Jesus’ rejection and death and
possibly even of Mary’s presence at the crucifixion (cf. John 19:25, although
Luke did not mention this). It is difficult to be dogmatic about which is the
more likely interpretation, although the context favors the second. (Robert
H. Stein, Luke [The New American Commentary 24; Nashville: Broadman
& Holman Publishers, 1992], 117)
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