Sunday, February 23, 2025

Richard H. Bell on Hebrews 6:2 and the Practice of Rebaptism


Commentators have been puzzled by the plural in Heb. 6.2. The author refers to βαπτισομαι διδαχης επιθεσις τε χειρων. Gräßer rightly rejects the view that the author is referring to Jewish rites and suggests in view of the close connection between baptism and laying on of hands the following: "Es kann sich dann nur um einen uns nicht mehr näher bekannten Initiationsritus handeln, der möglicherweise aus wiederholtem Untertauchen und der Handauflegung bestand". [RB: It can then only be an initiation rite that we no longer know in detail, which may have consisted of repeated immersion and the laying on of hands] But Weiß believes that one cannot exclude the idea that "unter den Adressaten des Hebr die akute Gefahr bestand, die Taufe mehrfach zu vollziehen bzw. an sich vollziehen zu lassen". [RB: There was an acute danger among the addressees of Hebrews that they would perform baptism several times or have it performed on themselves] If the reference is to repeated baptism, it is striking that the author does not condemn such practices but rather encourages the addressees to move on to spiritual maturity! The idea of a repeated baptism, although it would be highly problematic for Paul, does not seem to be so great a problem for the author of Hebrews. Indeed it could cohere with his view of how the believer is related to Christ. A repeated baptism could fit in with the author's mythical view of identical repetition. There is a once-for-all sacrifice but there can be repeated baptisms. I suggest that baptism in Hebrews does not have the fundamental existential role it had in Paul. It seems likely that if the author did not have the idea of an existential displacement through the death of Christ, neither would he have it in regard to baptism. (Richard H. Bell, Deliver Us from Evil Interpreting the Redemption from the Power of Satan in New Testament Theology [Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 216; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007], 316-17, emphasis in bold added)



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