Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Use of the perfect/middle participle form of χαριτοω (κεχαρισμενα) in the work of Hesychius of Alexandria (5th century)


Lexicograful Hesychius din Alexandria (sec. V d.Hr.) folosește termenul kecharitōmenon ca sinonim pentru asteion (αστειον, frumos, fermecător). Acest din urmă termen este folosit în Ex. 2:2, în Septuaginta, cu referire la Moise, pe care mama luni-a tinut ascuns trei luni (ϊδόντες δε αύτο άστεϊ ov) după naștere. Tot la Hesychius, cuvântul-titlu χαριεντα (“lucruri frumoase/fermecătoare”) are ca sinonime termenii kalá (“frumoase”) și κεχαριτωμένα (“gratioase"). (Emanuel Conţac, Dilemele fidelităţii: condiţionări culturale şi teologice în traducerea Bibliei [Cluh-Napoca, Romania: Logos, 2011], 205)


The lexicographer Hesychius of Alexandria (5th century AD) uses the term kecharitōmenon as a synonym for asteion (αστειον, “beautiful, charming”). This latter term is used in Exodus 2:2 in the Septuagint, referring to Moses, whose mother kept him hidden for three months (ϊδόντες δε αύτο άστεϊ ov) after his birth. Also, according to Hesychius, the title-word χαριεντα ("beautiful/charming things") has as synonyms the terms kalá ("beautiful") and κεχαριτωμένα ("gracious").


The source for the above is given as Hesychii Alexandrini lexicon, ed. M. Schmitt, Jena, 1867, s.v. χαριεντα (Ibid., 205 n. 52).


Here is the entry on p. 1547:


χαριεντα καλα

χαριζεσθαι το δραν τα κεχαρισμενα


Charming, beautiful
to graciously give the gift that has been graciously granted




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