Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Use of χαριτούμενον (present middle/passive participle form of χαριτοω) in Libanius (4th century), Description 30: Beauty


Libanius (sec. IV d.Hr.), în Progymnasmata scrie: “Am văzut Frumosul: un ochi frumos (καλον ομμα), surâzător, căruia îi dau farmec (χαριτούμενον) cautaturile laturalnice; spranceana unduita, cu arcul bine conturat)." (Emanuel Conţac, Dilemele fidelităţii: condiţionări culturale şi teologice în traducerea Bibliei [Cluh-Napoca, Romania: Logos, 2011], 205)


Libanius (4th century AD), in his Progymnasmata, writes, “I have seen Beauty: a beautiful eye (καλον ομμα), smiling, to which I give the charming (χαριτούμενον) lateral features; an arched eyebrow, with a well-contoured bow.”



Here is the Greek text of LIbanius’s Description 30: Beauty:


(12) εἶδον γὰρ Κάλλους καλὸν ὄμμα προσμειδιῶν καὶ ταῖς διαλόξοις στροφαῖς χαριτούμενον, ὀφρῦν ἑλικοειδῆ τὴν ἀψῖδα περιτορνεύουσαν, παρειὰς τῷ συμμέτρῳ τῆς χροιᾶς καὶ μηλέας ὑπεραυγαζούσας τὸ φοίνιγμα, βόστρυχον πρὸς τὼ ὦτε περικλώμενον παρασύροντα τοὺς ἀνθέρικας κἀκείνους οὔλους καὶ χρυσοειδὲς ἐπαυγάζοντας. (Libanius's Progymnasmata: Model Exercises in Greek Prose Composition and Rhetoric [trans. Craig A. Gibson; Writings from the Greco-Roman World 27; Atlanta: SBL Press, 2008], 504, 506)


(12) For, as I smiled at the girl, I saw the eye of beauty, beautiful and with grace shown to it by its sidelong turns; a winding eyebrow, fashioning a circle as it turned; cheeks in right measure with her complexion, and outshining the redness of an apple tree; a lock of hair curling around at her ears, sweeping away the beards on ears of grain; and those tight curls, shining even like gold. (Ibid., 505, 507)




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