Sunday, February 23, 2025

Richard H. Bell on Paul's Theology of Baptism in Colossians 2:8-15


Paul's view of baptism is developed in Col. 2.8-15. Here we have the remarkable idea of believers being circumcised in Christ "in the stripping of the body of flesh". "Here is a circumcision which entailed the stripping off not of a small portion of flesh but the whole body - a gruesome figure for death". The circumcision of Christ refers then not to baptism but to the death of Christ, the baptismal language beginning in v. 12. The author stresses the participation in Christ's death (cf. Col. 1.22) and this participation in Christ's death is related to baptism in Col. 2.12. We were buried with Christ and raised with him "through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead". The new life therefore comes into being by the believer participating in the death of Christ and, according to the precise wording of Col. 2.12, we were raised in Christ through faith. This faith must be the gift and work of God. How else can a corpse believe?


Baptism, therefore, can be seen as a fundamental once for all ritual which corresponds fully to the once for all ritual of Christ's sacrificial death. As Fuchs graphically puts it:


In der Taufe geschieht deshalb kein nochmaliges Sterben Christi und ebensowenig unser Sterben, denn das hieße, Christus noch einmal kreuzigen. (Fuchs, Freiheit, 37) [RB: In baptism, Christ does not die again, nor does our death occur, because that would mean crucifying Christ again]


Because baptism is so integrally related to the death of Christ, it can be legitimately related to the "redemption from Satan". I shall return to this in chapter seven below. So in baptism "we have to do with realities, not merely with symbolical representations. That which baptism symbolizes also actually happens, and precisely through baptism." And it has this power because it is integrally related to the sacrificial death of Christ. (Richard H. Bell, Deliver Us from Evil Interpreting the Redemption from the Power of Satan in New Testament Theology [Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 216; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007], 269-70)



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